What a Year This Has Been
Wow. It’s been a year since I set-up this website for Karla’s Kitchen Table. Shortly after taking these pictures, the world shut-down. Like everyone on the planet, the impact on my psyche by the shear range of experiences over the past 12 months has been immense. Family, immediate and extended, work, home, relationships. Race, politics, gender, religion. Spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially. My sense of taste (never lost!), hearing (huh? What did you say?), speaking (or not), touch (what is this irritating sensation?), sight (fearful floaters). The contraction and extension of my emotional circle of support, and, of course, when one day blended into another, memory and recall.
But throughout each ‘wtf’ moment, and my firm belief that neither the second coming or an alien invasion would surprise me, those same touchstones that seemed so unstable remained my most unshakable foundations.
I am thankful for every lesson learned, throughout this journey.
So – who has had a seat at Karla’s Kitchen Table? More than a dozen individuals who shared their stories, on a variety of thought-provoking topics, on my podcast, Fresh Talk, Food for Thought. Friends and social acquaintances serving up their truth and raucous laughter. Colleagues trusting that their transparent communication would be treated with respect.
My hope is that all felt welcomed and seen. Whether feasting on fish fresh off the dock or vegetables still fresh from the soil it was pulled; reveling in having time to articulate their thoughts; or toasting to whatever we chose to celebrate in the moment.
And I remain rooted in my prayer: I am thankful for all my blessings. Grateful for all my gifts. Appreciative of all my talents. I am thankful, grateful, appreciative and humbled for the family I am blessed to have, the friends I am blessed to know and the life I am blessed to live. And for all I this and more, I thank God. Selah. Amen.